Things are not going so well in my closer group of friends. I'm getting seriously annoyed. And yupp I deleted the long part :D Maybe I'm not better than the others, maybe I should speak out and not write things down...:(
The good thing is, that I get to spend time with those who I don't meet often enough ♥ For example lovely Katha ♥ And I recently met Roman without our usual group for an evening full of waffles, pokémon, a taylor swift shooting and germany's next topmodel. Wow, that's an interesting combination :'D
Roman and me are also starting to plan a trip to Japan :')
I also got a job :) I'm only doing a certain amount of hours [I still study...] and my first shift was yesterday. But before I signed the contract, I'm not telling you, what it is ♥ Maybe guess, haha..?
The volunteering I mentioned in my last entry continues~ there is quite a few kids that need help in Maths, English and German and I agreed to help one more girl. These days I need to be careful not to plan to much because then I'm gonna get stressed out and stuff :/ So yeah not too much work please.
We're also redecorating and more or less changing the interior of our house and we also get a whole new bathroom. ♪ And as my wardrobe situation is horrible I might also get a new wardrobe with lots of space for my clothes. At the moment I have three ridicously small wardrobes/cupboards. No clue why. Things just added up as I grew older and no one bothered to buy a propper wardrobe :( Whatever, I'm not even sure where I'm gonna live the next couple of years. So...:/
The other day I met Julia from honeymilkshake! ♥♥ We spend a lovely day in Hannover with breakfast, shopping [and actually planned to go partying but Katha and me totally failed at that :/ We will never drink cheap weird berry-vodka again.Never. ]. Her friend Lan Anh came along, too. It was really nice to meet you :) And how could we forget to take a picture? XD
Julia gave me this skirt. Thanks again!
Shirt: French Conncetion//Bag: LV-it matches everything, my other bags are jalous// skirt: Tally Weijl//shoes: I forgot it,sry |
With Julia I also discussed blog layouts a little and she told me that longer texts are easier to read when being left-bound. Hope everyone likes it ♪
To make this post not too boring ~ I got Instagram YAY! Haha I believe I'm the last one to jump on the bandwagon? I think I had instagram ages ago and found it rather boring but maybe that'll change ♥ Feel free to add me, I'd be happy to have some bloggers on my list, maybe leave a comment so I know who you are.
It's kekineko1409
♥hope my eyebrows look ok now;; made a mistake and had to let them grow out before plugging again. And Asian-makeup attempt♥ cute box given to me by my mum♥ keyring, it says ''friends'' on the yellow flower, Emilia has the one with ''forever'', aren't we cute♥ first instagram picture to try it out♥
For the make-up in the first picture, I used Ivy's tutorial. Thank you:) She is a cute new blogger.