Montag, 13. August 2012

Hello! (again )

Hey cuties,

I don't really know why (maybe because I'm bored ;D), but I thought I should re-do my blog allover again. I'm sorry if you liked my previous posts but I feel like I needed a fresh start. When I am leaving Germany on September 11th (what a date...) to study in the UK, I want my friends to be able to read about my life.
And some posts were kinda embarassing ^^"

So yeah..I'm not having a crisis or anything :p
I just feel like it and I hope you'll still like my blog ♫
First I thought I could create a new one, but anyway...


Today I didn't do much. I went to the gym in the morning, baked some muffins, went shopping a little. Originally, I wanted to buy socks. Or more like I had to buy some, because my mum gave me some money for that. I ended up getting some other stuff too ~~


Battle of the bows ;D See how big my new bow is compared to the ordinary crappy ones you can get anywhere? The white bow is by Claire's

These are two lovely hairbands. The German drugstore Rossmann sells them and they were really cheap. You ALWAYS need them, right?
A few days ago, my dear friend Katha and me went to Hamburg. It's such a great town!
The bad thing was that we had to get up at 6 or something? MADNESS! T.T
To stay awake, Katha ate shitloads of ....this. It's some kind of creamy-chocolate-thingy with coconut on top. It was nice but very, very sweet.

We were mostly window-shopping because you can't really buy anything in shops like LV and Tiffany's. Unless you save up some money which I plan to do. There is one particular LV bag that caught my attention ♪
Near the train station, we saw BATMAN! We totally love the movies (even the old ones from the 90s haha) so we had to take a picture. Nevermind my make-up, it's crappy/non-existent.

Pretty Katha :3


 This was our lunch. Hamburg is expensive D: At least when you don't like McDonald's like I me.
It tasted wayy better than it looks like. It's Chicken Masala.

We visited the typical shops~~Mango,H&M,Zara and some others that we don't have in our town like Urban Outfitters,American Apparel and so on.
I can't remember the name of the last shop but they sold really cool stuff for everyday's life like diary's, cooking supplies,mugs... I bought something but I can only show it to you in my next post. Katha knows why ♪

I was tempted to get this spoon but when I look at it today I find it rather ugly! It is kinda funny though ^^" The flying spoon!

And last but not least, we saw while we were on the train haha. I still can't believe it!! :DD
I will now have a nice bath and then go to bed.
Smile ♪


12 Kommentare:

  1. The hair accessories are pretty!

  2. You look so, so beautiful! :)
    Pretty hair accessories.

  3. Love the hair accessories!
    Wow - that smiley face made out of clouds is AWESOME. Haha such a good shot :)

  4. That funny pics! You're so pretty! ;D



  5. ahh danke >-< aber wenn ich mir die alten bilder mit dem dunklen ansehe finde ich das garnicht mehr so prickelnt iwie...Innzwischen habe ich mich auch an die haarfarbe gewöhnt und mag sie ganz gern

    ah viel glück und spaß wünsche ich dir in Uk und süßer blog <3

  6. aw danke für dein Kommi ♥
    Ich find aber das du auch eine süße alice bist ♥ Hab mit dem kleid schon ein shooting gemacht, Bilder folgen demnächst :)

    Und ich mag das erste Bild in deinem Blog *-* beautiful <333
    Die Löffel sind wirklich sonderbar XD Aber für kleine Kinder sicher toll ;D

    1. Ohhh die muss ich sehen!! :)

      Dankii ♥ Lockenstab-Attacke! XD
