Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012

Salut ♥

Hey everybody,
unfortunetely I was not able to chose a nice French Language Course at university because I did French for 8 years and I really wanted a course where I could speak and write French, but all my university offers is a pure Grammar course which, in my opinion, totally sucks. I withdrew from it and I am now happy to be in "French Literature" which is a lot nicer but they don't speak much French in the lectures...So annyoing.
I love this language though^-^
All I can hope for is to go to Brussels in my third year.
I have to take a year abroad anyway, so I really want to go to either France or Belgium.
I would prefer Belgium because shhh little Keki might want to be a diplomat one day and Brussels is perfect for political thingies. ♥
Haha when I write it down, it sounds even more unbelievable... I have so many doubts, I always think I won't succeed.
Also my French is quite bad, so excused-moi! I really want to improve but I believe that the best way to really learn a language is not by doing 10 hours of grammar a day. You have to go to the country :3

Salut a tous.
Malheureusement, je ne pouvais pas choisir un bon cours de francais parce que j'ai appris le francais pour 8 ans, alors j'ai besoin d'un cours où on parle le francais, mais mon university ne nous donne pas cette possibilité. Ils ont seulement un cours pour practicer la grammaire ce que je n'ai pas aimé. Maintenent, je suis dans un cours de littérature (c'est super!), mais ce n'est pas en francais et j'ai peur d'oublier mon francais.
J'adore cette langue^-^
Je qui me reste c'est d'aller en Bruxelles dans mon troisième an.
Je dois aller dans autre pays parce que c'est un part de mon cours. Je voudrais bien choisir la France où la Belgieque. Et je préfère la Belgique parce que...shuush la petite Keki voudrais bien être diplomate un jour.
Alors Bruxelles serait parfait pour des choses de la politique...♪
Haha quand je l'écris c'est encore plus uncroyable.
Je ne suis pas vraiment confidente... C'est mon rêve mais je ne sais pas si je peux avoir du succès.
Et excusez-moi pour mon francais, ce n'est pas très bien.

Haha okay, here we go.
Haha d'accord, allons!

I am now a member of the gym here in Aberdeen. (Sports Village)
I really like the sport and I am not one of these people who use it to lose weight :3
Picture is stolen from google hehe. Also, one of my friends (Katrin) is a member and two other (Brooke and Emilia) want to join ♥

Je suis devenue une membre de  la salle de sports à Aberdeen (Sports Village).
J'aime faire du sport et je ne le fait pas pour maigrir :3
L'image c'est de google hehe. Aussi, une de mis copines (Katrin) est une membre et j'ai encore deux copines qui veulent devenir des membres aussi. ♥

Last week, I mostly hung out with friends, did some studying (always not enough...It's a "Fass ohne Boden" if German people know what I mean haha), talked to a friend I haven't spoken to in ages (Charlotte! Njeeeh x) and...missed my boyfriend.
He got accepted for medicine, but he had to move towns and he doesn't have a flat yet. He is so stressed out and busy.
-->No internet.
-->No time.

La semaine dernière, j'ai pris rendez-vous avec mes copains d'université, j'ai fait mes devoirs pour mon cours et j'ai parlé avec une copine. Je ne lui ai pas parlé il y a beaucoup des moins, alors cette trop bien :)
Aussi...Mon petit ami me monque.
Il était accepté pour étudier médicine (super, hein?) mais il n'a pas d'apartement. Il est vraiment enervé et il est très occupé.
--->Pas d'internet
-->Pas de temps

It's deffinetely not good for our relationchip but true love is stronger than that :p cheesy me.
C'est definitivement pas bien pour notre relation mais l'amour vraie est plus forte que cela.

Here are some pictures and then off I am, because a friend is coming over ♪
Voilà des images et après une copine va aller chez moi ♪

In Scotland, they have this really nice shop calles "Oasis"
En Ècosse, il y a un magasin super qui s'apelle "Oasis"


Of course I bought something...
Bien sûr j'ai achété quelqu chose.

It used to be 60 pounds but because of dicount it was 16 pounds. YAY!
C'était 60 Pounds mais à cause d'un reduction du prix, c'était seulement 16 pounds. YAY!


I did not buy this bag but I like it a lot.
Je n'ai pas achété cet sac mais je l'aime becaucoup.

I had a presentation at uni and this is what I wore.
It's my favourite dress. It's from my mum.

Je me suis habillée comme cela pour une présentation à l`université.
C'est ma robe préferée. Ma mère me l'a donné.


At Brooke's place. I like her parfume and her room! And I like Brooke too hahaha x
Chez Brooke. J'aime son parfume et sa chambre. Et j'aime Brooke aussi hahaha x


We shad chocolate fondue♥ Girly evening
Nous avons eu le fondue du chocolat. Une soirée des filles.♥




See you :)

Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012

If it ain't broke don't fix it & studies update& Announcement!

Hey everyone ♥

This is mostly a life update, but since I am meeting up with a girl from Fashion Society and my dear friend Brooke on the weekend, there might be a more picture-heavy post soon.

The title ~ basically relates to my love to Nado's. You can check out my review of this amazing restaurant here.

If the link does not work just scroll down a couple of entries.

And yes. We did it again. The food is so nice, I just thought I'd let you know.

My week has been quite stressful, although I did not get quite as many things done as I had planned.
I still rewarded myself though haha ♪


I should go to hell for spending so much money on mascara
I am a sinner,I like it that way. (Notice the Madonna reference, anyone?)

Probably one of the most hyped beauty products all over the internet/youtube. I'm not gonna mention the price of this goodie, but every penny was worth it.
If you'd like me to do a review, I will go for it, but you will see some looks with me using this palette anway.

I also tried to improve my eyebrow-do (not sure how to call it). Basically, I finally found out how to use eyebrow pencils.



It lookes like I dyed my hair but it's my natural colour.

Now onto some other random stuff.

My university course is more challengeing than expected. This does not mean that I can't cope, but school was ridicolous compared to this. For example, I only got 13/20 in a French assignment that I was able to prepare at home for ages. However, 13/14 was the best mark anybody got.
One of my friends said I am being to hard on myself, but I really really want to do an excellent degree.
I also wrote a short essay on the European Union and the Nobel Peace Prize (Click here for News on that), once I got it back I might show it to you because it's the first political-thingy that I've ever written. It's quite short as well.

In the next weeks, there are presentations, essays and of course homework and independent studying (sounds sophisticated doesn't it?) to do.

Because I get this question a lot from friends, I'll let you know what my courses are.

- Introduction to International Relations
- Europe in the 20th Century
- French Literature and Culture
- Spanish
- Mandarin Chinese ♥

I even joined the Chinese Society and we played Mahjong yesterday till late. Absolutely loved it, although my team partner and me weren't exactly lucky.


I wrote my first chinese love letter to my boyfriend.
Sadly, he does not have internet right now because he got into medicine last minute (congratulations, sweety, I know it's really hard to get into medicine ♥). So he has to look for a flat and the alike.
I miss him a lot.


Are letters an old-fashioned thing?
I like writing them and I also like recieving them.

My parents send me quite a few parcels these days with German sweets,chocolate cookies and of course material for university included. For some reason I was too stupid to get the Bolshevik Revolution when I read about it in English, but as soon as I see something written in German it's just so easy to get it.

Tomorrow, my friend Erin and me are finally going to a post office where we will pick up a gift a German friend (Hey, Becci! I miss you!! :3) send me. So excited ♥

Sorry for ignoring fashion/japanese fashion/style a little lately, but there are things that are just more important right now.

Just so that you know I didn't "forget" it. Here's a little Gyaru-inspired outfit. Like them overknees a lot.


Also, when I had trouble with my bank (not gonna talk about it, it's such a long story) I felt really sad so I bought this.

It was only 12 pound and it is from a charity shop.



It sort of reminded me of Blair Waldorf's style from gossip girl.
~ anyway
I might need a glamourous night out soon.

This reminds me of something...


We're talking CHANEL, DIOR and MULBERRY here. It's not the kind of stuff I usually wear- who could affort that as a student? But it's so inspiring.
Actually, the more you look at shops like Topshop,Zara etc the more you realize where they got their, uhm, inspiration from.
But more about that in my next post ♥

Will deffinetely try to get my greedy hand on a designer piece. Not kidding.

I already mentioned it on twitter but I am very very excited. It's not my intention to be boastful or whatever but I think it's so wonderful, I just had the urge to share that informaton.

xoxo Keki

Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012

Photos :)

Hey everyone ♪

Today I had to put something for university on a USB-Stick (my first analysis of a French poem! Unfortunetely not the nice one I showed you in my previous entry, but it was also quite pretty).

The usb stick was a gift from one of my friends (Hey Muppi ♥ and Kilian!) and I found pictures of them and our other friends on it.
My friend has a very good camera- one of these super expensive ones. I am so jalous. Maybe I will one day be able to afford one as well. But first I have to save up for a LV bag ♪
Anyway, just a random picture spam.

This is my cat ♥ I think I've never shown her to you. Her name is Unzy. (Hence the title of my blog haha if you've ever wondered)
I miss her and I am looking forward to see her on christmas.

I also miss my friends a lot. I cannot stress this enough because they really mean a lot to me.

The following pictures were taken without make-up, it was on one of those rare hot days in summer.

Oh, "LOST IN TOKIO"? If only I was. I wish! :D

I think I've never shown you any prom pictures, have I? That's because we had to wait for the photographer to give them to us. I look giant in the second one but I love it anyway ♥ Because I love my boyfriend.


Ps: Shall reply to your comments from the last two entries as soon as I can ♥ I am off to uni now.

Montag, 8. Oktober 2012

Just a few lines...

Hi guys! In one of my lectures, we talked about this poem. English translation at the bottom ♥
I've never been into poetry a lot, mainly because it's not the most common thing for young people to do haha ;D
But yeah...This poem really makes me think. It's great in its simplicity but I don't want to sound like my professor so I will leave the interpretation up to you.

Le Cancre - Jaques Prévert
Il dit non avec la tête
Mais il dit oui avec le coeur
Il dit oui à ce qu'il aime
Il dit non au professeur
Il est debout
On le questionne
Et tous les problèmes sont posés
Soudain le fou rire le prend
Et il efface tout
Les chiffres et les mots
Les dates et les noms
Les phrases et les pièges
Et malgré les menaces du maître
Sous les huées des enfants prodiges
Avec des craies de toutes les couleurs

Sur le tableau noir du malheur

Il dessine le visage du bonheur.


He says no with his head 
but he says yes with his heart 
he says yes to what he loves 
he says no to the teacher 
he stands 
he is questioned 
and all the problems are posed 
sudden laughter seizes him 
and he erases all 
the words and figures 
names and dates 
sentences and snares 
and despite the teacher's threats 
to the jeers of infant prodigies 
with chalk of every colour 
on the blackboard of misfortune 
he draws the face of happiness.

I hope you enjoy this.
It makes me happy! ♪

Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012

Nando's and my weekend

Hey everyone

I love how it says "Nando's" first and then "my weekend" haha

Thank you for all your comments regarding my last post on make-up. This encourages me to do more make-up related posts.

Anyway, this weekend was really great!
On Friday. I didn't have many lectures so Brooke and me went to Nando's. She recommended this restaurant and oh my gooosh its like the best place ever. The food was so tasty (and spicy1) and we barely managed to eat all of it.


  This was the starter. We shared it ♪
I forgot the name. xD
I've never eaten humous before and it is so good.
If you are wondering: The orange sauce is not fat! It was some kind of sauce to make the dish even spicier.

German people--Do we have this in Germany? Nein,oder? :D

 I forgot about the price but starter + the whole meal was deffinetely not more than 15 Pound (drinks included! And it was American Style refill ♥ I accidentaly created "Sprite Coke" for Brooke haha)

Nando's is portuguese food bye the way.

I liked their decorated and the general restaurant-do (not sure how to call it) a lot. The chili hanging down scared me though!


Me waiting. Both of us were so hungry because we didn't have breakfast.

I didn't pay attention to the waiters but they were friendly...I mean that's how waiters usually are like haha. And one of them wanted to flirt with my friend ;D

Nice decoration, right? Bye the way, there were many people but it was not noisy or anything. I guess it's a good place to go with a big group of friends as well.


 Now onto the main meal.


The wrap in detail~ haha food photoshoot!


We had the same dish and we did not want to share again hehe. Both of us had a wrap, spicy rice and french fries.
These pictures are not even instagrammed haha.

Hungry now? Check if there is a Nando's close to you!


On Saturday, Brooke and me went to a party hosted by her sister's friend. ♥
Brooke and me got ready together and her mum gave us some pasta. It was good that we ate it because they only had (greasy) pizza at the party. And drinks of course! I'm not telling you too much about it, especially since I did not take many pictures but it was fun!!

We were playing around with my camera's effects at some point and couldn't stop laughing. But the pictures are too awful so I won't post them xD

The only bad things was that there was one guy who kept touching all us girls. Disgusting!! Luckily my friend saved me before he could get near me. Thanks again ^-^
When somebody got in a fight with that guy I heard them say "fuck, fuck, fuck" all the time. Welcome to Scotland? :D

This is us ♥
Sorry that you cannot see my outfit that well. Shall show it to you another time :)


 I am happy to have met you ♥

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012

Doll ♥

Hello ladies (don't think any guys are reading this...:D)

I decided that I really want to blog more frequently but I also don't want to annoy you with boring stuff ~ anyway here we go.

Today I tried out a make-up which is inspired by dakota rose. I'm sure some of you know her and whether or not she's fake, I absolutely love her make-up.
I came across this video on youtube.

The make-up artist is so talented!! I am clearly not but here you go. I also thought of something dakota might wear so I chose this shirt with the collar.




Today's boring outfit. I only have one pair of shorts with me T.T
The shoes are a gift from my mum and I love them ♪


Camwhoring haha. ♪

Oh and ...
The necklace I mentioned in my last entry.

Miss Selfridge, 1 Pound. Such a catch.


my friend Brooke and me went to the beach a few days ago :)
I was thinking of my boyfriend and she helped me to do this ♥

David I miss you :*


And our sandcastle :D Somebody drew it and we "moved in"! B &Ks! On the one tower it says b, on the other tower it says K. ;D It was such a lovely day.

My Bento ;D The "ugly truth" Instagram has the nice edited picture in it. It was tasty though.

Oh and ~ it says doll in the post because I would like to introduce you to a new blogger!
Her name is Brooke and she goes to uni with me. She is good at writing (expect for a certain politics test haha little inside joke...) and Hey Brooke I am not flattering you but you are pretty ♥

I am sure she would be happy if you could leave comment or something!

Bye bye cuties! This was mainly a picture spam, next entry will have more content, I promise. ♥


Montag, 1. Oktober 2012

Keki Online

Hi gals,

just a quick note to let you know about my social networking (I don't like that word...) thingies.

Are you on any of these? If you, leave a comment with your name or simply add me so I can find you ^-^

I have only just started to use some of these so it would be nice to see some friendly faces there ♥ I'll follow you back so we can stay in touch.

But I'm not really good at all this Internet stuff haha ~ I always forget usernames,forget how to tag people...anyway let me know about it x

Twitter: @KerstinNeko

(so far I only got a friend and some..naked girl following me haha xD)

facebook: Kerstin Neko [although I don't add everybody but as long as you're no creepy weird person.., plus it's not even my real surname hehe]

googlemail: [if you have any questions, i'll reply asap]

The ones I only use to look for inspiration (maybe change that one day)

instagram: kerstinneko

deviantart: KekiWonderland
weheartit: KekiWonderland

I walk along this street every day to get to uni

This picture is NOT edited in any way ~ the sky was truly that amazing!!!