Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012

If it ain't broke don't fix it & studies update& Announcement!

Hey everyone ♥

This is mostly a life update, but since I am meeting up with a girl from Fashion Society and my dear friend Brooke on the weekend, there might be a more picture-heavy post soon.

The title ~ basically relates to my love to Nado's. You can check out my review of this amazing restaurant here.

If the link does not work just scroll down a couple of entries.

And yes. We did it again. The food is so nice, I just thought I'd let you know.

My week has been quite stressful, although I did not get quite as many things done as I had planned.
I still rewarded myself though haha ♪


I should go to hell for spending so much money on mascara
I am a sinner,I like it that way. (Notice the Madonna reference, anyone?)

Probably one of the most hyped beauty products all over the internet/youtube. I'm not gonna mention the price of this goodie, but every penny was worth it.
If you'd like me to do a review, I will go for it, but you will see some looks with me using this palette anway.

I also tried to improve my eyebrow-do (not sure how to call it). Basically, I finally found out how to use eyebrow pencils.



It lookes like I dyed my hair but it's my natural colour.

Now onto some other random stuff.

My university course is more challengeing than expected. This does not mean that I can't cope, but school was ridicolous compared to this. For example, I only got 13/20 in a French assignment that I was able to prepare at home for ages. However, 13/14 was the best mark anybody got.
One of my friends said I am being to hard on myself, but I really really want to do an excellent degree.
I also wrote a short essay on the European Union and the Nobel Peace Prize (Click here for News on that), once I got it back I might show it to you because it's the first political-thingy that I've ever written. It's quite short as well.

In the next weeks, there are presentations, essays and of course homework and independent studying (sounds sophisticated doesn't it?) to do.

Because I get this question a lot from friends, I'll let you know what my courses are.

- Introduction to International Relations
- Europe in the 20th Century
- French Literature and Culture
- Spanish
- Mandarin Chinese ♥

I even joined the Chinese Society and we played Mahjong yesterday till late. Absolutely loved it, although my team partner and me weren't exactly lucky.


I wrote my first chinese love letter to my boyfriend.
Sadly, he does not have internet right now because he got into medicine last minute (congratulations, sweety, I know it's really hard to get into medicine ♥). So he has to look for a flat and the alike.
I miss him a lot.


Are letters an old-fashioned thing?
I like writing them and I also like recieving them.

My parents send me quite a few parcels these days with German sweets,chocolate cookies and of course material for university included. For some reason I was too stupid to get the Bolshevik Revolution when I read about it in English, but as soon as I see something written in German it's just so easy to get it.

Tomorrow, my friend Erin and me are finally going to a post office where we will pick up a gift a German friend (Hey, Becci! I miss you!! :3) send me. So excited ♥

Sorry for ignoring fashion/japanese fashion/style a little lately, but there are things that are just more important right now.

Just so that you know I didn't "forget" it. Here's a little Gyaru-inspired outfit. Like them overknees a lot.


Also, when I had trouble with my bank (not gonna talk about it, it's such a long story) I felt really sad so I bought this.

It was only 12 pound and it is from a charity shop.



It sort of reminded me of Blair Waldorf's style from gossip girl.
~ anyway
I might need a glamourous night out soon.

This reminds me of something...


We're talking CHANEL, DIOR and MULBERRY here. It's not the kind of stuff I usually wear- who could affort that as a student? But it's so inspiring.
Actually, the more you look at shops like Topshop,Zara etc the more you realize where they got their, uhm, inspiration from.
But more about that in my next post ♥

Will deffinetely try to get my greedy hand on a designer piece. Not kidding.

I already mentioned it on twitter but I am very very excited. It's not my intention to be boastful or whatever but I think it's so wonderful, I just had the urge to share that informaton.

xoxo Keki

14 Kommentare:

  1. ich find briefe immer noch am schönsten oder eben gedichte :)
    hab mir letztens die von meinem ex durchgelesen, ich hätts lassen sollen, aber schön waren sie trotzdem :)
    total süß der brief an deinen freund! wie oft seht ihr euch? bzw. seht ihr euch überhaupt?

    LG Mona

  2. Hola! Yo estoy bien, Qué tal tu?
    Don't worry, I'm not good in english or other languages haha
    woow I love your dress! And thanks because you said, that you like my gyaru style, you are so lovely!

    I follow you!

    see you!


  3. cool dress ! anyway nice i want learn chinese also !

  4. You look so pretty! The dress is gorgeous :) I'm following you now :)

  5. Zeit hätte ich wohl aber ich darf hier in der Wohnung keine halten :( Ausserdem würde ich wollen dass sie auch raus kann und vor meiner Haustür ist eine relativ viel befahrene Straße.
    Ich selbst habe eine Canon EOS 1000d aber habe die Bilder mit der Kamera meines Ex-Chefs gemacht und das ist eine Nikon D200 :)

    Ich finde das mit dem Liebesbrief einfach zuckersüß! awww <3

  6. du hast ne naked-palette?! ich bin immer mal wieder am überlegen mir sie zu holen oder die sleek palette *-*
    das weiße kleidchen steht dir außerdem ungemein gut

    1. sie LOHNT SICH!! ♥ Absolute Liebe! Sleek ist mein nächstes Ziel, haha. Aber das sind meine ersten Paletten, ich dachter vorher immer ich könnte damit nicht umgehen..♪
      Dankeschön :)

  7. that white dress is so cute ^^

  8. Love your outfit, lol congrats on joining the Chinese society! You look like you are settling in fine!! xX

  9. I hope you have tons of fun at Fashion Week in London!!! Please show us if you do manage to get your hands on some pieces! Kekekeke And yes us poor students can't afford stuff like that! (you might buy a bag or wallet but not clothes!) >< I think most stores that cater to the general public will get inspiration from the runway, which isn't too bad because there is no way people can wear runway fashion in everyday practical life haha
