Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013

[Back in Scotland] Holidays in Germany

How is everyone? I am back from my holidays in Germany and I have way too much to tell you.
They were fantastic this year. As you know I am from Germany so you might think that visiting my hometown was not that interesting. But I tell you, I had a truly great time thanks to my family and friends. And my cat :D Gosh I missed that little cutie!

Comment ca va?
Je suis réturnée d'Allemagne et j'ai trop à vous raconter. Mes vacances étaient fantastiques cet année. Comme vous savez, je suis d'Allemagne, alors vous pouriez penser "Ah, c'est pas très intéressant de visiter ma ville natale". Me je vous dis, j'ai passée un temps super grace à ma famille et à mis amis. Et grace à mon chat ;D Elle m'a manqué, la belle.

The night before I flew to Germany, I went partying with one of my friends from Scotland (Brooke). We went to three or four bars/clubs but actually the first one was the best one. We drank Pina Colada♥ But the picture was bad...
So here is us.

La nuit avant de partir en avion, je suis allée faire la fête avec une amie d'Écosse (Brooke). Nous sommes allées dans... 3 ou 4 bars/clubs je crois mais en fait la prémière bar était super.
On a bu une Pina Colada ♥

Mais la photo n'est pas bonne.
Alors voilà nous.


A girl from the Uk Gyaru community said that dip dye looks much better with curls and she's right.
However, that night I couldn't decide on an oufit.
First I wanted to go with this but ~
I don't know.


Or with this (slightly different)


At this end, this was my choice and I am quite happy about it.

A la fin, cela était ma choix et je l'aime tant bien.


Picture of a christmassy pub. Actually not from this night, but who cares:)
Une photo d'un pub avec de la décoration de Noel. Je l'ai pas pris la nuit que je suis sortie avec Brooke mais bon :)


The flight was good and I had nice food at Amsterdam Schipol.
Le voyage c'est bien passé et j'ai pris un bon repas à Amsterdam Schipol.
je suis désolée mais je vais continuer en Anglais maintenant.

The first day in Germany, I spent with my mum. I missed her so much. In the evening, we had dinner with the whole family and one of my friends joined us. We ate so much.
Spanish food ♪



The next day, I made cookies with my mum and I met up with my "gang"~ my closest friends in Germany. We played a game called "nobody's perfect" and I am too lazy to explain the rules in detail but seriously my stomach still hurst from laughing ;D Basically you have to make up a definition for a random word and make this definition so good that the others believe it.
Here I used the Sleek Blush I was talking about and MAN I love this shit! *insert American accent*


The cookies ♥


So sweeties, I will continue with two or three more parts of what I did in my holidays~
hopefully it is not too boring.
And as for New Years resolutions~ you can still stay tuned for that. I actually found a really good one for myself but I will let you know about that later.
Geeez I wrote so much today.
Now I have to get back to working on... the Cold War, Arab Spring and learn Spanish vocab.

That's right, British sweeties, it's that time of the year: FINAL EXAM TIME.

Whilst in Germany you take your important uni exams in February, here it is January. -.-

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

xoxo Keki

ps: I changed the layout again. :D

12 Kommentare:

  1. Wir haben dieses Spiel "Nobody's perfect" auch zu Hause, aber irgendwie wollte es niemand so richtig verstehen und wir haben aufgegeben es zu spielen. :D

  2. You made me so hungry ! >.< I'm happy that u spend ur time really good beside family and friends :) really cute cookies ^O^ so pretty outfit ! I missed you ! Anyway awesome background ;O I need buy some cometics of Sleek >.< natural palette so popular ! I want this because heard that its good u got it ?

  3. omg die kekse sehen so lecker aus <3
    und ich liebe das make-up blush picture. da bist du richtig richtig hübsch drin ♥♥

  4. hihi das spiel kenn ich auch :D
    klingt nach ner tollen zeit in deutschland :)
    bestimmt toll seine familie und freunde nach so langer zeit wieder zu sehen!

    LG Mona

  5. I love your hairrr ♥
    The coord you finally picked is so cool! I wish it were cold enough to wear coats here..

  6. Ohh deine Outfits sind aber hübsch! ich bin froh, dass du so viel spaß hier hattest! Ich spiel auch sehr gerne nobodys perfect, wirklich, ich hab mir den geilsten scheiß bei dem spiel ausgedacht XDD muss ich auch unbedingt mal wieder spielen oh mann! euer spanisches essen sieht verdammt lecker aus, besonders weil ich so auf garnelen stehe *___*

  7. You are so pretty I loveeeee you hair! *-*
    Thanks for you lovely coment :))

  8. Merci pour ton gentil commentaire ♥
    Tu parles vraiment bien français, pourtant c'est une langue difficile !
    J'adore tes cheveux *O*
    Je te follow~ si tu as besoin d'aide en français, tu peux me demander ^^^

  9. Danke dir für dein lieben Kommentar! :)
    Klingt nach einem wirklich gelungenem Abend!
    Tolle Outfits! Das zweite ist auch mein Favorit :)

  10. Happy New Year 2013! :D

    I guess xmas is a very quiet & family holiday in Germany as well? In Poland we start on 24th, there is a big dinner with 12 dishes and we give presents when the first star appears in the sky. :D And 25th and 26th are xmas days 1 and 2 and nobody works and everyone spends this time at home with their families eating good stuff and relaxing. :D I hope you had a lovely time with your family :3

    btw, your hair is gorgeous! :D

  11. Hi ;)
    wenn man so weit von zu hause weg ist, ist urlaub in der heimat sicherlich am schönsten :) man vermisst seine eltern, freunde und haustiere ja auch sehr :)

    und ja hat nen grund wieso ich super laune hab xD
    aber erst wenns wirklich hieb und stichfest ist werd ich drüber reden. ich bin für sowas zu abergläubisch glaub ich... du kennst das sprichwort ja... man soll den tag nicht vor dem abend loben XD
    lg kaddy
