Sonntag, 11. August 2013

Guess who is back

Hello cuties ♪ I am so sorry~ I haven't posted in quite a while. I was very busy with work and I also started babysitting so I hope you forgive me. I also feel very tired and kinda annoyed by many things these days, but let's not talk about that. The good thing is that I save most of the money I earn so that I can go to Japan next year ^.^ Just for a holiday obviously. Wish me luck!

Last week, my family, my boyfriend and I went on a cycling tour along a river (Lahn) in Germany. We stopped by at Goethe's hometown and a nice thermal town called ''Bad Ems'' where we enjoyed the hot springs. The other towns we visited were not that nice, but still we enjoyed our tour and did a total of around 250 kilometres in five days. No pictures though because we looked tired/sweaty ;D ♥
I will do an instagram-post sometime soon so you will at least get to see one of the towns and the river ♥

Remember that I told in my last post that my mum wants to book a holiday for her and me? Well, she did! We will go to Mallorca at the end of september ♥ So typically German of us...

Here is some more good news. I was thinking of transferring to another university where they offer French and I got accepted in all of them :D Last year when I applied in Scotland, I got rejected by quite a few (for whatever reason -.- maybe German universities are easier to get into?) However, Hannover is still my favourite so I guess I will  just stay here. It is just nice to have many options. I'm still complaining about how much I love languages and the fact that I can only choose two bothers me a bit. The other day japanese customers walked into the store (group of 6 girls ;D) and I spoke in japanese to them ~ haha they were so happy and all of them went like ''kawaiii''. In the beginning I struggeled a bit because all that wanted to come out of my moth was freakin Mandarin :D #firstworldproblem
Also two girls that looked a bit familiar walked up to me a few days ago and they were some of the kids I taught English to when I was doing an internship last year. They really remembered me!

Due to work I feel like the last couple of weeks passed by so quickly... Here are 3 outfits, I don't know why I didn't collect more :(

The pink blazer is by Zara and I like it so much ♥ The shirt is Primark and the jeans are Only. And I hope you are not scared of feet, haha.

A few days ago I wore my new floral print top from Mango ♥ My leather jacket (C&A?) reappeared after 2 years. And the quite little bag is by Bijoubrigitte ♥ My fingers look so long on the seond photo XD

Here is a blue picture, yay. I love that dress and I will take a decent picture at some point!

The last outfit is not really an outfit but I wanted to show you a blouse I bought ♪ A German/Danish girl from instagram wore it and it looked so lovely, I had to get it ♪ Messy hair is super messy. And it's not like I need to prove this to myself or anybody BUT check out how the Lv-bag matches everything *--* I am so happy that I invested in this beauty! It took me a year to decide but it was very much worth it. :D

Hopefully you enjoyed this little post ♥ I mainly wanted to blog to show that I am still alive ;D Now stopping by at yours :)
I am more active on instagram, so stop by there if you like. @kekineko1409


11 Kommentare:

  1. Welcome back ^^
    Hope to see more of your lovely outfit posts ^^

    恵美より ♥

  2. ich finde das outfit mit dem blumen mango top so schön <3 weißt du ja hihi <3

  3. Welcome back to blogosphere! I'm guilty myself as I've somehow stopped visiting blogs for a while and especially since we are acquainted on Instagram, I sorta missed out on your blog. It's the same with other blogger cum insta frenz. I only remembered to visit blogs for those who leave me comments as I would definitely get down to replying them whenever time permits.

    I'm glad to hear that you got accepted into a few universities as that would give you options to choose. I bet you must have sounded really cute speaking in Japanese. KAWAII Keki!

  4. Hallo!! :)
    Ich bin selbst ins absolute Blogger-Sommerloch gefallen, es war einfach zu viel zu tun, deswegen hab ich deinen Blog gar nicht mehr so wirklich gelesen - Entschuldigung! (T^T) Aber schön, dass du wieder da bist :)
    Es wird zwar bei mir jetzt nicht besser, aber werd wieder fleißig lesen :3

    Der Blazer ist ja süß,der gefällt mir besonders gut :3

    Ach und zu den Sprachen; Ich hab meinen Freund mal auf Finnisch angesprochen, und der Arme ist Japaner... War aber auch kurz vor den Semesterferien ich war echt fertig xDDD

    Freue mich schon auf neue Einträge :3

    Liebe Grüße,

  5. Hey,

    ich finde deine Outfits total toll und ich liebe den pinken Blazer einfach total *_* sieht voll schön aus <333

  6. Hi Süsse! schön wieder von dir zu hören:) da war ja echt eine menge los bei dir:)) und omg, wie viele sprachen kannst du denn? ist ja wahnsinn!:) toll dass du hier in deutschland unis gefunden hast, die dich wollen. wann muss du dich entscheiden? bald, oder?

    einen guten wochenstart!
    küsschen aus der schweiz;)

  7. das weisse (?) kleid is voll süß♥
    ich hab auhc vor, nächstes jahr wieder nach japan zu fliegen >-< viel glück beim sparen xDD

    ich liebe es, wenn japanische kunden zu mir kommen xDD wenn man 1 wort japanisch kann, sind sie eh immer schon voll begeistert lol

  8. I hope you can go to Japan ! And Then I go to Taiwan next year too. :) Sooooo 加油! XD
    Cool you can go for holiday with ur mom. I can't do this because we got no money >< I hope I can move out finally from my city.
    I love are your outfits. ^^ They are amazing. :) And I hope to see ya more often on blogger. ^^

    Take care~!
    Dorota :)

  9. Hi Sweet!
    Congratulations for all those admissions to universities! People want you everywhere!!!

    Your vacation sounds really cool! Please mind your schedual and don't foreget to rest.

    The cycling trip sounds really awesome! You all must be very fit! And it's lovely to have family & Bf together.

    Managing to talk in Japanese is so exciting! Let me brag too ... An elder japanese guy owns the company that deals with the plants at work. And I was sooo excited to talk to heim! Unfortunately I really tried to say out stuff like Bakemono and Hentai, which randomly came to my mind :o

    1. Aw I wish you had a blog ♥ I have to call you soon!

      you're too sweet hehe :)) and omg thats hilarious ;D But I remember giving a speech to a rather big audience about Manga at some point in highschool and I know that I also mentioned Hentai :DD I guess everyone knows it:) :D

  10. Da habt ihr euch mit der Radtour ja aber echt ins Zeug gelegt. Ehrlich gesagt hab ich noch nie eine Radtour über mehrere Tage gemacht, stell's mir aber schon cool vor. Aber ich hätte wahrscheinlich nur immer Angst, dass es regnet. :/ Meh ...
    Postest du die Bilder von Instagram dann auch hier? Will auch sehen! :D Haha.

    Dann geht's im nächsten Urlaub also nach Mallorca. :3 Lass dich von dem Klischee nicht täuschen, Mallorca ist wirklich eine super schöne Insel! <3

    Glückwunsch, dass du an so vielen Unis angenommen wurdest. ^^ Aber bitte bleib hier. ;)

    Die Outfits sind außerdem auch alle toll. :3 Ich mag die kleine Tasche von Bijou Brigitte total gerne.

    Ahh und nee, ins Fitness-Studio gehe ich nicht (mehr). xD Habe selber einen Crosstrainer zu Hause, so ein Ding für Bauchmuskelübungen, eine Matte und diverse Kurzhanteln. xD Das sollte reichen. Und bei meinen Eltern steht noch ein Fahrrad. ^^"

    LG und bis bald. <3
