Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013

Update ♥

Hellooo ~
I keep writing updates because I somehow don't manage to write posts with actual content. Sorry about that! :(
I am also way behind with reading blogs. :/
The last couple of days I went to a few parties and I was also working a lot. I totally miss having time for myself. Yesterday I was like 'nah, not gonna do anything' but then Yuxi texted me and we met up! We wanted to go to a café but we obviously also went shopping. Ahhh this needs to stop haha :D We bought the same jumper for winter. It's so soft and cosy ♥

At least we didn't buy more than that. Instead, we tried on many things.

Before we went home, we had Pumpkin Spiced Latte at Starbucks ♥ I liked it, but I am so addicted to all this matcha stuff that I can't get used to anything else.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday. 



I also met up with Freya a lot these days :) It's always soo much fun. She's also studying to become a teacher! :) But we know each other since super early childhood. And since we are neighbours, we can always call each other and be like 'hey, would you like to meet up?' 'when?' 'in 5 minutes?' haha.
We look like kids in this photo!


And check this out ~ food at a party! OMG one of the best buffets. I went there with Stefania and we ate a lot :D


I am having a good time at the moment (don't get me wrong) but I am so happy that university starts again tomorrow! It's so strange not to do anything academic for such a long time and I hope this statement doesn't make me a nerd haha. I miss having a daily routine and I am looking forward to, well, actually learn something new again! At least my Mandarin course already started hehe.

This summer [if it even was one!] flew by. Tomorrow we get some instructions for the semester ♥ [If you're studying abroad you probably already started in Septemer. Germany is always really late!]
Sorting out my timetable was so much trouble though haha. And as always I'm worried about stupid things like 'will there be nice people in my seminars/tutorials?'

You'll hear from me soon!

12 Kommentare:

  1. Danke für dein Kommentar^^ Dein Post ist echt toll udn du siehst voll hübsch aus^^
    Dabei gehts um Fukushima, seit der Kernschmelze etc. sollte man keinen grünen Tee trinken da der meist aus dem Norden kommt und stark belastet ist. Ich überlass es jedem selbst, wie sehr er darauf achten will aber mir ist das Theam serh wichtg und ich kontrolliere immer woher mein essen kommt und vermeide die sehr gefährlichen Lebensmittel so gut es geht. ich werd vll bald noch darüber schreiben, mal gucken^^

  2. these white sweater look soft like angel's as well...

  3. waaah both of you looked so cute in the white sweater >w< I'm happy for you that you have a good time, but also it's sad that you don't have that much time for yourself lately.

  4. First of all ... Cool fluffy sweater!
    Secondly - Welcome back to school! You geeky girl... can't believe you actually look forward to the term start! Hmm. At least you got a nice vacation, travelled and partied a little bit before the serious stuff starts. Love the PIC on Fb BTW. Such a serious, posh young lady with the hair up in a bun :-)
    Miss you in Aberdeen. The weather is cools and wet. Will try to get warm by going to a ceilidih this Friday . Have you been to one here? Loads of fun but a tough work out...

    1. Sweety ♥ Yeah I'm such a nerd haha. I've been to a ceilidih one in Freshers week and I liked it a lot! :D but I think I got bruises from it hehe

  5. omg die flauschpullis sehen so süß aus ;A;! Ich will auch haha <:

    mein unterricht läuft schon wieder und ab heute auch wieder zur arbeit nach 3 wochen haha 8D
    bin schon gespannt auf die ganzen schönen neuen sachen *_* <3

  6. ♥♥
    Ich freu mich, dass es dir besser geht und du so viel Spaß hast im Moment. :) Das ist wirklich schön zu hören. <3
    Den flauschigen Pulli hätte ich sicher auch gekauft und Kürbis-Latte klingt total lecker. Aber nicht so lecker wie Matcha-Sachen. xD ;)
    Danke auch für deinen Kommentar zu meinen Fotos! ;_; Ich versuch ja besser zu werden mit'm Fotografieren. Deswegen ... schön, dass es dir aufgefallen ist. <3
    Und jaaah, treffen. Unbedingt! Ganz bald. Ich schreib dir mal zu einer humaneren Uhrzeit als jetzt bei whatsapp, damit wir was ausmachen können. Hab das Gefühl sonst könnte ich hier noch endlos weiter lange Kommentare schreiben. xD

  7. Soo schöne Fotos! Der Pullover sieht toll aus!
    Und Kürbis-Latte klingt sehr interessant, das sollte ich auch mal testen <3

    Liebe Grüße!

  8. Wie flauschig diese Pullis aussehen. So einen brauch ich auch für den Winter :))

  9. So cute jumpers and looks so nice on you both. :3 Ah I want try this Latte ! :) I need check if it's avaible in Polish Starbucks. ^^ OMG and food made me feel hungry. >< Thanks XD I'm curious how about you and ur bf ? :D Maybe write something in next post or just tell me because I'm so curious and I hope u both r OK. :)

    Dorota !

  10. Hey Keki! Even though we are acquainted on Instagram, I’m dropping in on your blog. I cannot believe how once I connected with some of my blog friends on Instagram, we stopped visiting each other’s blogs. Lol… So while I’m having the time at home today on a stay-home Sunday, I decided to find all my instablog friends, visit their blogs and see what they are up to. So here I am!

    Wow... you know now that you have long bangs with it swept to one side, I thought I saw a very beautiful Nicole Kidman picture just when I started scrolling your blog. Fair skin, sharp features and red lips. Ooh... you have a Chinese friend. When I saw the name before looking at the pic, I knew your friend was Chinese.

    I often see so many of my blog friends talking about how good Pumpkin spiced latte is that it makes me really wanna try it. We don't have it over here. Probably because we are not 4-seasoned country.

    I hope we could continue to connect on our blogs coz that’s where we started from. =). Let’s follow each other so that we don’t lose touch. I followed you on GFC but since blogger stopped the newsfeed updates, I tend to only return visit to blogs of people who left me comments. I'm trying to reconnect back with more blog friends since I find many of them beginning to disappear. Hope to see you around too!
