Sonntag, 19. August 2012

Gifts and random Update

Hello ♥

I bet every German blogger is talking about the weather right now so please don't be annoyed because I also have to say how freakin' hot it is! OMG it's like the hottest weekend of the whole year.

And to be honest, I don't really enjoy it because it is already too warm ^^"
Yesterday, my friends and me went swimming. We were such a big group. So many people showed up and I was really happy about that. My boyfriend and he also joined us. I kinda used him as a "heater" when I was in the swimming pool because the water was too cold.
I guess I can never be happy about any temperature.

When he went to see me the day before, he gave me some gifts from China ♪ Thank you so much sweetheart.
I thought why not showing them to you.

A pretty bag by "Longchamp" and it's not even fake. I hate that China has the "fake" reputation. His family is a little into labels I guess...(No offense! Because I love it ♥)

 I don't want to insult anyone but I think that they match the outfit of a typical German "Bonze".
So that's somebody who is either rich or tries to look rich XD sorry bad explanation. People in my area know what I mean I suppose.
They're often dressed in a pair of Timberland shoes,random jeans,polo shirt with that little crocodile on...Anyway, I don't want to gossip.
However, I don't notice many people with this bag anymore so I will wear it.
It is dark blue and very light material.
This necklace is adorable, isn't it? It is very simple so you can wear it with everything. The butterfly is a little inside joke of us and the colour aswell but who doesn't like butterflies and pink?


THE LASHES *-* He knows that I simply have to post this. I can't even tell how much I love them. So far I tried only one pair but all of them look amazing. To be honest I paid him for this because he doesn't see the necessity for lashes haha ~~ And I already felt bad because he got me so much.
No really, thanks ♥

Okay now onto some other stuff.
I went to town with a friend. Mainly because she is leaving my hometown. She will do some community/social work in Berlin. We couldn't resist but check out Primark again.

Getting this was pain. >.<
I asked 3 saleswoman and NONE of them could tell me where and if they have beauty bags.

"They're sold out...I think..I don't know"
"Handbags are over there"
"I think they are all sold out but you better check here...and there..."

They had some a few days ago and the usually do them at low prices so I did not give up. One of them lead me in the wrong direction and oh my I shouldn't have asked in the first place.
When I found them (more than 40 of them..let's talk about sold out!) I was happy though.


This was my outfit.
If you are wondering why I keep taking photos in changing rooms: My mirror at home is too small :o
I hope I get a bigger one in my apartment.


And this top is the one I pretended to try on. Marco Polo
~it was literally the only top I liked in that store.


And yes. I did it ~
I dip-dyed my hair. I have to get used to it although I really can't because the colour will fade awway after 6-8 times of washing my hair. But I like it so much ♥

Expect to see the whole hair next time.

I have to go now, my friends and me will be having a BBQ.
have a sunny day


ps: Try this. It is McDonald's and it is bad for you, but it is so tasty.


22 Kommentare:

  1. Amazing things! :3
    Your outfits are very beautiful and you look sooo cute! :)

  2. omg dein haar ;;!! liebe
    genau so wollte ich es auch machen, aber meins ist gerade so schön lang und semi gesund XDDD;; ach ich hau bald wieder extensions rein für ne weile oder so ==
    aber ist super schön auf alle fälle **

    und uii longchamp tasche ** ich will eine in dunkelrot hihi na mal sehn ♥
    irgendwie sind die voll schön und praktisch~!
    (am anfang mochte ich die nicht. aber irgendwie geht das in bremen schon wieder zurück, dass wirklich alle bonzen die tragen XDD)

    1. Ooh Danke :) musste auch erstmal rumprobieren und reviews gucken eh ich das gemacht habe xD
      Hatte Angst dass ich es ruiniere ~~
      Aber das zeug ist ganz gut und wenn man ne ordentliche kur macht...:) dann passt das

      :D Jaaa genau die bonzen tragen das gar nicht mehr so,oder?
      Dunkelrot ist süß!*-* welche Größe??
      Hätte nie gedacht dass ich mal eine tragen würde haha ;)

    2. Achso oder meintest du dass es bei den bonzen doch wieder in ist :D haha sorry

  3. Your hair is super cute! I love it! : D

  4. Super cute make up case and I love love your hair!!

  5. OH GOTT!Die Haare! Sie sind pink! <3Richtig gut geworden.:3

  6. your outfit looks so cute *_* you look like a doll and your blog is very interesting. i live in niedersachsen, too <3 maybe we can follow each other if you like. keep in touch!


  7. awww deine haare *___*
    ein super schönes rosa!!! Ich will auch ;^;

    Und ich mag die schmetterlingskette ♥
    i like butterflys soooo much *O*
    (und rosane sowieso xD)

  8. cute hair!!i love it!and very cool lashes!!

  9. Ah, ich weiß schon was du mit den "bonzenmädels" meinst! xD Aber bitte vergiss nicht den zusammengeknöllten Dutt xD Die Kette und die Wimpern sind aber super süss! Du hast einen wirklich tollen Freund, dass er genau weiß was du möchtest! <3

  10. Love your pink hair ^_^

  11. Nice blog! Follow each other?

  12. your dip dye hair is so cute :)

    followed you xx

  13. ohh das dip dye steht dir voll gut und dein outfit sieht aus so süss aus :) <3

  14. everything looks amazing :) i really love your hair! cute outfits too :)

    hope you have a fab day hun! ~ XO
    Chriissydollxo's Blog

  15. I love your hair!!
    Please visit my blog and I would love if we can follow each other, I'm following you now xx
    ~ Mannie

  16. Hello! i like your blog! Im following you now! if you like my blog, follow me back please.


  17. I really like how you ended the post with the Mcdonalds! Hahahaha

    I think your dip dyed hair is gorgeous and adorable!!! It's a shame it only lasts that long but is it easy to do? Maybe you can do it more often =3

    And how sweet of your bf to have gotten all those lovely gifts for you!!!! I've been thinking about getting a red longchamp bag too but haven't yet because I don't really know if it's my style of it I want it because everyone has one and I'm starting to like it because of that hahaha And I think that's real cute he bought lashes for you because it shows how much knows you =)
