Montag, 1. Juli 2013

Fake Label Shirts- Yay or Ney?

Hello everyone ♪ Hopefully most people are still reading this because of Google Reade closing down. Or something. I forgot the date when this is supposed to happen but I'd be very happy if you'd continue to read my blog through bloglovin ♥

I also plan to blog more. But isn't every blogger saying that? sigh

I was thinking of mainly doing a picture post today and asking for your opinion on ~ tadaa shirts that have the 'label' (or rather something similar) of famous companies on them and usually make fun of that very label. [For example the shirt includes elements of Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Chloé etc.] Have a look!

My favourite clearly is the LV- Lord Voldemort shirt :D (Seriously who came up with that?) I'm not sure if I'd wear it but I'd love to have one.
The last picture even points out that it is fake and I'm just trying to understand this fashion right now.

Why would someone think of doing this? How come these shirts get popular? (At least in Hannover ~ you can find them in any 'cheap' store but New Yorker carries them, too).
The only explanations I can think of are...
♥ they look 'interesting' and some people like fun shirts
♥ not absolutely everyone can understand the jokes (is that a plus?), for example 'Karl Who?'
♥ the mainstream effect of the fashion blogger community ;D
♥people want to criticise how for example 'Chanel' is just a brand name and two c's- nothing more and there is no need to pay so much for a real Chanel Shirt. But not so much this reason maybe!

♥ They seriously like b/w prints with labels?

For me it's reason 1 and the last one. I've always, always liked the two C's and I'm not sure why! B/W looks super classy, too. However, I'd never wear something saying 'fuck' on it. Just because...

Here are the two shirts I bought bye the way. On the left I am wearing one of them. A plus is certainly that they are super cheap :)

And I had to treat myself after a day of studying and makinga massive collage of British History ...^^" There is a second one just as big! Passing this exam on Friday is important haha.

Anyway, I was wondering what to you think?

Fake Label Shirts that even proclaim how fake they are- yay or ney?

xoxo Keki

9 Kommentare:

  1. ich hab auch viele shirts mit dem chanel cc oder auch 2 5'en so ineinander oder kreise. auf jeden fall recht ähnlich. aber ich mag das logo einfach ;D
    wobei meine tiffany cap mit 'fucking chanel' unterm schirm ja den vogel abgeschossen hat.

    ich will unbedingt den FUCCK pulli in schwarz mit weißem aufdruck ;; der ist so cool!

  2. I have no idea what think about this kind of t-shirt. I dont buy t-shirt for long time. Just I stopped like them since 3 years. and except a few t=shirts from japanese rock concerts in Poland. I don't have t-shirts. XD But Lord Voldermord looks interesting haha..

  3. Ich hab keins von diesen shirts und ich würde mir auch keines zulegen, weil für mich an nem shirt der schnitt/Farbe/aufmachung wichtiger ist, als irgendein print (und wenn würde ich mir einen Spruch/print suchen, der 100% zu mir passt).
    Ich persönlich denke ja, da dieser Trend von Bloggern losgetreten wurde, soll damit demonstriert werden, dass die Ära der großen Modeschöpfer vorbei ist und inzwischen Blogger zu Ikonen werden, die dazu keine Brands benötigen, sondern ihren eigenen Stil haben. Was ja auch funktioniert ^^

    Btw, ich followe (xD) dir schon lange, natürlich auch über bloglovin jetzt :3

  4. Ich würde auch das Lord Voldemort Shirt preferieren, es ist einfach zuuuu cool *-* <3

  5. ahaha Lord Voldemort XDD das is echt gut.

  6. Die Shirts sehen super cool aus :) Lord Voldemort finde ich auch klasse :D :D

  7. Hhhhh hast du so ein Lord Voldemort-Shirt etwa irgendwo gesehen?? Finde die total geil! :D
    (Ja und heute kommentiere ich auch mal statt nur zu stalken :D)

  8. Definitiv Lord Voldemort für mich. <3
    Ich liebäugele damit schon seit längerem. 8D

  9. Hihi, danke ^w^
    Ich hatte mich bei der Zeitschrift einfach mal beworben, ein paar Vorschläge gemacht und bin genommen worden, macht total Spaß ^_^
    Wieso hat deine Jeans nicht funktioniert? oO
    Bin bei Bloglovin, Googlereader soll doch angeblich bald tot sein oder so...
