Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013

Meeting Tina ♪ and small Update

Hello! A week ago I met lovely Tina from l0vepirate. It's super nice to meet other bloggers and truthly speaking I'm always excited to talk to them in 'real life'. I know that many people blog- because there is a huge amount of blogs- but I rarely recognize anyone on the street yet know many bloggers in person. But since Tina and me live in the same town, we thought we should finally meet up! It took us ages to find a date though haha ~
It was a sunny Sunday [yay....;D super good joke] and originally we had planed to go to a tea house but when we found out that they were closed, we changed plans and walked a little bit around the city. Then we ended up in a nice café. :D We started laughing when we sat down on our table in a nice backyard and realized....that there were only old people in that café. Literally everyone except for us was like 80 or something! :D
Tina if you're reading this: I remember how we started laughing at the same time without having to say anything :DD

Sadly I didn't take a picture of the backyard but it was pretty and there were many places to sit ♥

We ordered cake and iced coffee. The iced coffee was super big ♥ And tasty! Just the right amount of sweetness and coffee I'd say. I could barely finish it.

 We talked about lots of stuff and found out how much we both like travelling ♪ I'm still super jalous that she has been to Japan and Malaysia. But since I really want to go to Japan next year (I might have a host family already because a friend of our family knows many people there and a former workmate of my father is japanese ♥)...but if I go Tina advised me to really take a trip around and not only stay in Tokio!
If anyone has any tips, hotels, etc, let me know ♥

Here are the two of us.
Photo taken by Tina. Her hair looks so good and she told me she even had it super long some time ago. (Like way longer than mine)


This was my outfit. I like this skirt a lot, it's super cute, comfy and wearable, even on the bike. As you can see, it has little 'shorts' underneath. And... It reminds me of a tennis skirt (I love tennis!).
I'm sorry I had to take a filter- photo but the light in my room just sucked that day. And yupp that British flag is like on every outfit picture. Today I removed it :D

The café also had lovely cake for special occasions ♥

And last but not least; a little Update so that you know what I've been up to lately. 

It's the end of the German semester and I've had an English exam which went...okay. I didn't get my mark yet so I just hope for the best. Unfortunately the weather kinda sucked until recently and even today it was...warm but cloudy.
This is the reason why my mum and I decided to still go on holiday, even though we said with all the hazzle of me moving back to Germany it wouldn't be possible.
I'm so happy. Next week, she's gonna book our flights. And then I can tell you guys where we go!

The good thing about the un-summerish weather is that I was able to work on my essay for another subject and today I managed to clean my room. I 'kicked' my old TV and computer out and lots of papers, too. I also managed to call Carmen in Romania [my family has EU-wide phonecalls :)] and tomorrow I'm going to meet a friend whom I haven't seen in two years. I like her a lot, especially since we got to know each other in highschool in England and share amazing memories. The stupid thing is that she didn't know/forgot that I am actually not free tomorrow and on Tuesday I'm in another town for a few yeah arranging everything was a bit annoying but I think it will be fine.
We had a really funny phonecall btw ;DD At the end I had to say that I have to hang up~

Me: Sorry, I have to go now! Gotta prepare some Schnitzel.
Her: That's the most German thing you could've said!

I'm sure most of you know German 'Schnitzel'! I had to practice making a dish with it because I want to surprise a special someone this week ♪

On a sidenote...Just a few seconds ago I was nearly in tears because stupid blogger didn't manage to get my instagram pictures in a nice and decent order! >.< So I guess I'll just leave you my account name (kekineko1409) and if you like, come and fine me on there. I must say I didn't like Instagram a lot but this totally changed over the past few weeks ~

Bye Bye!

Ps: Care to meet lovely Baklava?
It's a turkish sweet made of honey and nuts ♥ It tasted really great. I think Kebab places usually have it.

EDIT: And there is this super massive gap in this post which I can't get ridd off :D Nevermind, gotta grab a hot chocolate or something now...;D sorry.

4 Kommentare:

  1. omg du hast gebloggt *_*
    der kuchen und der eiskaffee sieht gut aus! und tbh cafés wo viele alte leute sind, sind meistens die besten! alte leute wo es yummy kuchen gibt! ist einfach so :D!!
    willst du guten kuchen, folge den omis und opis <3

    neidisch. hoffentlich gehts in die sonne? <3

    der rock ist btw total süß! steht dir auch echt gut

    und mit der lücke, guck mal in den html code und mach entweder dein 'margin' da auf null oder die ganzen dinger am ende weg ;))

  2. Ein schöner Post. <3 Meiner kommt auch bald. xD

    Und ich muss einfach auch hier nochmal sagen, dass ich unser kleines Treffen echt toll fand. ^-^d Müssen wir unbedingt wiederholen!
    Und jaa, der Moment im Café, wo wir über den Altersdurchschnitt lachen mussten, war echt unbezahlbar, hihi. :3

    Achso, guck mal hier:

    Da findest du den ursprünglichen "ersten, krassen" Schnitt meiner kurzen Haare und wenn du ein bisschen zurück blätterst, auch mich mit langen Haaren. xD

    Ich freu mich übrigens für dich, dass ihr doch noch in Urlaub fahren könnt. :) Bin schon gespannt, wo es hingeht.

    Aber Baklava mag ich irgendwie gar nicht xD Ist mir echt viel zu süß.

  3. wow, the cakes look so delicious! *_* yummy!

  4. It's really nice u could meet someone from blogspot I did it too and I don't regret. :) So pretty skirt !! Really nice cakes I would eat them all ! Schnitzel is simillar to Polish Schabowy it's delicious I love it. :)
